Girlz Empowered is an encouraging after school organization dedicated to unifying young ladies in the school setting through the development of a friendship and growth. Girlz Empowered seeks to positively impact the lives of its members through creating educational and motivating activities amongst elementary young ladies, encouraging and assisting with personal development and providing strategies for educational attainment and success throughout the experience. The young ladies of Girlz Empowered are committed to help planning and implementing programs that empower not only themselves, but the community at large. Girlz Empowered members are encouraged to exemplify positive leadership and friendship in the academic environment and in the community. As friendship is built, young ladies will be empowered personally, academically, socially, and spiritually.
G – Gifted I – Intelligent R – Resilient L – Leader Z – Zealous
Colors: Black, Pink, Glitter(Multi-color)
Pledge: We are the ladies of Girls Empowered on the same journey to promote Academic Excellence, Service Learning, Personal Development, Social Unity, and Leadership. We thrive to create change in our classrooms, homes, and communities. Together we can passionately cultivate and inspire the values that Girlz Empowered stands on.
Core Principles: Academic Excellence, Service Learning, Personal Development, Social Unity, Leadership
Topics Covered: Activities that promote Self-Esteem, Healthy Relationships, Social Skills, Coping Skills, Behavioral Stabilization, Team Work
Organization Benefits
Personal Development
Community/Service Learning